October 6, 2013 1:14 pm -

queenThere are plenty of American traditions I love: the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and (most times) Election Night. There are, however, others I can’t stand, including white nativism that drives some bigots to do idiotic things like this:

A Muslim woman claims that employees at a TGI Friday’s in Garland, Texas added bacon bits to her iced tea order.

According to a post by Nicole Queen on Facebook, she had received a chilly reception upon entering the establishment, and her waiter had not been pleased when she asked him to remove bacon bits from her Cobb salad.

A different waiter returned with the salad, and after her party had paid their check, he also offered to refill her iced tea to-go. She thought that odd, but accepted the offer. When she got to her car and attempted to take a sip of it, she found the bacon bits that presumably had been removed from her salad.

“I knew right away that that it was bacon, and I knew right away that it had been placed in my straw because that was the first thing that went into my mouth,” Queen wrote.

When she returned to the restaurant to complain, a manager denied that his staff would so such a thing.

You can watch a news report on the incident below (hat tip: Raw Story).

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.