October 24, 2013 7:47 pm -

Don Yelton, whose defense against his racism was that he has black friends, and who bemoaned that he couldn’t use the “n” word like in the good old days, is no longer in his party position.

“Yes, he has resigned,” said Nathan West, a spokesman for the Buncombe County Republican Party. The party had asked for Don Yelton’s resignation in direct response to the interview, West said.

The interview, conducted by correspondent Aasif Mandvi, was on the topic of North Carolina’s new voter ID law, over which the Justice Department has sued the state. On “The Daily Show,” Yelton argued that the law wasn’t racist, though he added that he’s “been called a bigot before.”

He brushed off those suggestions, too, arguing that one of his best friends is black.

“Now you have a black person using the term, “N— this and n— that, and it’s OK for them to do it,” Yelton said at one point.

That prompted Mandvi to respond, “You know that we can hear you, right?”
