November 25, 2013 2:12 pm -

If you make a threat against the President of the United States on Facebook, there’s a good chance you’ll get a visit from gentlemen with sunglasses and walkie-talkies.

Agents declined to comment on the post, which has been removed but was preserved in screen captures by Social News Daily, made Tuesday by Everest Wilhelmen, leader of the Christian American Patriots Militia.

“We now have authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him,” Wilhelmsen posted on his Facebook page. “His willful violations and alienation of our Constitution, constant disregard for our peaceful protests and corruption of all the three branches of government, (i.e., rogue and illegitimate government), reveal the dictator that he is. Obama and his co-conspirators disrespect our Constitution (constitutional rule of law) and abuse the American people…

“The authority to kill Obama comes from the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution: He is levying war on the United States and aiding and comforting our foreign enemies – the 2nd Amendment gives us the right and duty (authority) to engage an enemy of the United States that does so with the design to reduce us under absolute Despotism. I would be very surprised, if Obama does not leave Washington DC today (Nov. 19th) … never to return, if he is not dead within the month,” Wilhelmsen posted.

Wilhelmsen isn’t the only recent person to threaten President Obama.

A University of Connecticut student, 32-year-old Joshua Klimas, underwent psychiatric evaluation after agents said he admitted to sending threatening emails to the White House.

“If you do not resign by the end of the year I will kill you! You are a traitor and it is my duty under the United States Constitution to end your life for crimes against the American people,” one email read. “There will not be any more warnings only bullets flying in your direction from drones I built for the sole purpose of removing you from the office you stole from this country.”

An 81-year-old Wisconsin man, Elwyn Nels Fossedal, was ordered held last week by a magistrate after prosecutors said he told neighbors he would shoot and kill the president if he suddenly appeared in front of him at the post office.
