While Christie Was Taking Oath Of Office, BridgeGhazi Probe Widened
They say timing is everything. As New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was being sworn in for a second term, the two houses of the state’s legislature made a big move in the “BridgeGhazi” probe that may prompt Christie to take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:
[J]ust 30 minutes before Christie took the oath of office, the state Assembly and Senate announced a merger of their two probes into his administration’s alleged abuse of power.
“This isn’t a thumb in the eye of the governor,” insisted state Senate President Steve Sweeney about the timing. “We’re all going to head over there and watch the governor’s swearing-in.” …
Christie, during his Trenton address, never mentioned the George Washington Bridge lane closings or the charges of an administration shakedown over hurricane relief aid to Hoboken. He kept it upbeat, sounding a unifying message and alluding to his commanding win in November. …
Sweeney said the revelations from Zimmer, along with unanswered questions about Bridgegate, made the joint panel’s work more urgent. Members of both parties make up the 12-member group.
The state investigation of the administration parallels probes underway by the U.S. Attorney in Newark and the Port Authority.