Zimmerman Defender Called Oprah A ‘N*gger’ On White Supremacist Podcast
Frank Taafe, who trotted around the cable nets to defend his neighbor George Zimmerman, has now been dredged up by Nancy Grace to defend Michael Dunn, who he doesn’t even know.
Before Taaffe was a talking head on HLN, he was probably best known for hosting “Standing Our Ground,” a white-supremacist podcast that took on such important issues as when it’s OK for white people to use the “n-word.” Liberal think tank Political Research Associates did the brave work of going through the podcast’s archives and came up with a clip of Taaffe repeatedly calling Oprah Winfrey a “n*gger.”
While his co-host did not think it was “appropriate” to use that word to describe the media mogul, Taaffe did not hesitate.
Yeah, she’s a n*gger because she keeps spewing out all that bullshit. She goes over to Switzerland and she says that the lady didn’t want to share a handbag because she thought that she couldn’t afford it, and she keeps just doing what she’s doing. She keeps stirring the pot. She keeps trying to promote her boy Obama. You know, Obama could do no wrong. You know, it’s birds of a feather, they flock together and stick together, and to me, she’s a n*gger. Oprah Winfrey’s a n*gger. She ain’t a n*gga, she’s a n*gger.”