Young Republicans’ Panties In Bunch As Textbook Dares Criticize St. Ronnie
The Young Shrill Republicans at the University of South Carolina are outraged – outraged – that their patron saint, Ronald “Facts Are Stupid Things” Reagan, has been criticized. In a textbook! Required for a course that teaches (horrors!) Social Welfare!! Pearls clutched in anticipation of stumbling to the fainting couch in 3… 2… 1…
The author of a controversial university textbook that paints late President Ronald Reagan as a sexist and calls conservatives “corrupt and lazy,” is under fire from young Republicans who feel insulted by the book’s contents.
“Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives,” by Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, suggests that Reagan had narrow views about women’s roles and may have been unconcerned about the well-being of minorities.
Reagan “ascribed to women, primarily domestic functions and failed to appoint many women to significant positions of power during his presidency,” Kirst-Ashman wrote in the textbook.
The 40th President also “discounted the importance of racism and discrimination, and maintained that, if they tried, African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans could become just as successful as whites,” according to the book’s author.
The text was used by a professor at the University of South Carolina, prompting outrage among young campus conservatives.
“I was absolutely shocked and was tempted to throw the book away,” Anna Chapman, a 19-year-old sophomore political science major, told “I would even write comments in the actual textbook next to some of the offensive things that I read. I didn’t know that this is what I had signed up for.”