Alabama’s Chief Justice Sides With Birthers
Alabama Supreme Court’s Chief Justice, Roy Moore, has sided with birthers in a dissenting opinion. The Huntsville Times reports that the birthers “wanted Alabama’s Secretary of State to certify the birth certificate of each presidential candidate before allowing their names to appear on the general election ballot.” In his dissenting opinion, Moore wrote:
Presentation of a birth certificate is indeed a common means of determining age and citizenship. Although I would not prescribe the manner in which the Secretary of State is to verify eligibility of presidential candidates, I believe she has a duty as the chief presidential candidates, I believe she has a duty as the chief elections official of Alabama official of Alabama to implement the natural-born-citizen requirement of Article II, § 4, of the United States Constitution.
This matter is of great constitutional significance in regard to the highest office in our land. Should he who was elected to the presidency be determined to be ineligible, the remedy of impeachment is available through the United States Congress …
So, after 43 presidents, only with our 44th is it suddenly necessary for the state of Alabama to check eligibility.