NY Times: Chris Christie’s Million Dollar Whitewash
New Jersey taxpayers put out a million dollars for Chris Christie to do his own investigation of himself that, shockingly, showed he is totally exempt from wrongdoing.
If Mr. Christie really wants to win back public trust, he and his political allies can start by paying for this internal inquiry out of their own pockets. Then the governor and these lawyers can make all emails and any other crucial information available to federal and state investigators…
If Mr. Christie really wants to win back public trust, he and his political allies can start by paying for this internal inquiry out of their own pockets. Then the governor and these lawyers can make all emails and any other crucial information available to federal and state investigators…
the inquiry delves deeply into the personal relationship between [one-time Deputy Chief-of Staff To Christie Bridget Anne Kelly and [Campaign Manager] Bill Stepien [both pictured], a former campaign manager also expelled by Mr. Christie. The report says that Ms. Kelly wrote the now-famous email calling for “traffic problems in Fort Lee” at a time when their relationship “had cooled, apparently at Stepien’s behest.” It makes the absurd assertion that “events in Kelly’s personal life may have had some bearing on her subjective motivations and state of mind,” insinuating that emotional distress might have caused her to orchestrate a traffic jam affecting tens of thousands of commuters…
Mr. Christie has a long way to go to regain public trust and clear his name in this scandal. That will happen only if the real investigators — the state legislative committee and the United States attorney for New Jersey, Paul Fishman — can interview all those possibly involved under oath and examine the emails and all documents that can shed more light on the way Mr. Christie operates.