Alan Keyes Says Obama Should Be Impeached Because Of Fort Hood Shooting
Alan Keyes is asking congressional candidates to support impeaching President Obama.
Keyes, who previously said that Jesus Christ will aid his drive to impeach Obama, writes in WorldNetDaily today that the military officials who ruled out terrorism as a motivation for the recent shooting must be lying, and therefore Obama should be impeached.
Of course Keyes offers no evidence to prove that officials were deceiving the public about the attack, but nonetheless demands that Congress impeach and remove Obama before he turns the US into a communist dictatorship…
I see only one movement under way that rejects the vocationally political culture that now predominates in both so-called “major” political parties. It is the congregation of those who have pledged to use their vote to energize the political will needed to impeach and remove Obama from power, by constitutional means, along with his henchmen and collaborators,. Have you informed yourself about this movement? Have you signed on? Or are you content simply to cooperate with the twin-party sham, thereby proving that Americans, too, have now “lost our strength, our pride, our passion” for truth, justice and the liberty of our republic?