Wisconsin State Rep To Hand Out KKK Hoods To Republicans
Bret Hulsey a Wisconsin State Rep who is a long-shot Democratic candidate for governor, plans to hand out KKK hoods at the state’s Republican convention. He refers to them as “Republican Party hats.”
Asked whether handing out the hoods would be viewed as offensive, Hulsey said, “What I find offensive is Gov. Walker and the Republicans’ racist record. They’re the ones considering the resolution to leave the United States.”
Democratic Party officials swiftly denounced Hulsey’s idea.
“We take serious issue with the policies pursued by Republicans that disproportionately affect communities of color, but this type of behavior has no place in the public dialogue,” Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate said.
State GOP executive director Joe Fadness said: “If true, Brett Hulsey’s actions amount to nothing more than a reprehensible, vile stunt and everyone should be outraged.”
Hulsey, who posted on Twitter a photograph of the kind of hood he plans to distribute, said he takes issue with Republicans discontinuing record-keeping on racial profiling by police agencies, scaling back the income eligibility limits for Medicaid and making changes to voting policies that critics say could suppress minority turnout.