June 22, 2014 2:14 pm -

House Republicans have blocked Senate bills, and the 113th Congress has gone down as the least productive in the history of polling.  But never mind all that fact-y stuff.  Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the newly elected majority leader of the House of Representatives,is blaming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for all of Washington’s dysfunction.

What McCarthy is trying to do is distract from the GOP’s own dysfunctional base in order to take over the Senate.  It’s the old, “Look over here, it’s my other hand!” trick.

Image: Getty

Image: Getty

The Huffington Post reports:

Asked on “Fox News Sunday” whether he would be willing to work with President Barack Obama as majority leader, McCarthy said he could work with just about anyone–except Reid. “I believe you can work with anybody. The challenge has been Harry Reid,” McCarthy said. “There’s more than 240 bills that have passed the House that haven’t even been brought up inside the Senate. If you want to know the problem, the frustration with Washington, [it’s] the Senate. The Senate has not moved anything, they never send something to the president’s desk, so how do you even negotiate with the president if he doesn’t have the bill on his desk?”

Republicans in the House have taken the brunt of the blame for obstructionism in Congress since 2010. Last year, the House dug in and refused to pass a budget until the Senate would agree to repeal the Affordable Care Act. That standoff ended in a deeply unpopular government shutdown.

In addition to blocking Senate bills, this House of Representatives is on track to propose the least amount of legislation since the Clinton administration.

But McCarthy, who was elected last week to replace Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) as House majority leader after Cantor lost his primary to a tea party challenger, said legislation would start moving if Republicans were able to take over the Senate in November.

McCarthy asked, “What is the hold up here? Harry Reid and the Senate.” He added, “If that fundamentally changes in November, I think it’ll be a new day for America and a new direction.”

The only people that will believe that are Republicans who will vote GOP no matter what.


No responses to New House Majority Leader Blames Harry Reid, Not Congress, For Dysfunction In Washington

  1. Red Eye Robot June 22nd, 2014 at 2:29 pm

    Reid is the problem, The nation is falling apart and he’s making speeches on the senate floor about the Koch brothers

    • Anomaly 100 June 22nd, 2014 at 2:40 pm

      The Koch brothers are part of the problem.

    • mea_mark June 22nd, 2014 at 2:41 pm

      The nation is not falling apart. The GOP may be falling apart and losing their marbles and going crazy because of internal problems with the religious faction and the Tparty, but the nation is not falling apart.

    • Obewon June 22nd, 2014 at 3:16 pm

      Calgary’s Senator Ted Cruz reading ‘Green Eggs & Tea Party Spam’ blew $22 Billion on that Senate floor stunt delivering record low 7% republican approval.

      • William June 22nd, 2014 at 6:41 pm

        He’s the perfect bagger poster boy

      • waybackwhen June 22nd, 2014 at 6:42 pm

        Obewon You might take a look at the current stats!!!
        Take you liberal bs and go camping!

        • Steve Cain June 22nd, 2014 at 7:40 pm

          Don’t you have a bridge to be hanging out under, troll?

    • arc99 June 22nd, 2014 at 3:22 pm

      oh yes it is so productive for the Republican House to pass eleventy billion bills repealing the ACA when they know that the bill has no chance in the Senate, will not be signed by the President, and there is no majority to override the President’s veto.

      it is willful ignorance of the facts that is the problem and your post is exhibit A.

      btw, the only nation falling apart is Iraq. now the same people who told us it would all be a $50 billion cakewalk where we would welcomed as liberators, tell us that their screw-up is the President’s fault.

      those of us who opposed the war told you what would happen in Iraq where the door would be open to greater Iranian influence in Baghdad. now that is happening and Republicans try to blame the people who warned about the ramifications. Republicans and their supporters have a habit of not taking responsibility for their screw ups. The tradition continues. …

    • craig7120 June 22nd, 2014 at 3:45 pm

      I agree, Reid should evict that dead beat Bundy or collect the back taxes instead of lip service. Good point robot, conservatives are the root of americas problems, talking about it ain’t working.

      • waybackwhen June 22nd, 2014 at 6:40 pm

        Obviously craig you have no clue the complete background of the Bundy debacle! Bundy owns 160 acres that has been in his family for over 100 years. The land in question is grazing land and Bundy had paid those fees for many, many years until the Feds stopped carrying out the maintenance on water wells and rivers as STATED IN THE CONTRACTS!! Bundy stopped giving the fees to the Feds and instead used the funds to DO THE MAINTENANCE which the Feds were legally contracted to do!
        There have been over 50 other cattle ranchers in that area that have given up and moved away. Bundy is fighting for over 100 years of cattle ranching by his family.
        Cattle need 125 acres per cow with calf to be viable and Grazing Rights have been a part of cattle ranching for 100 years!
        If you ever buy beef at the grocery store you have now seen the prices going sky high! This is the REASON!!
        Harry Reid has been active in a Solar Energy project with China in an adjacent area and for whatever reason Reid wants that general area rid of other uses!
        As proof of Reid’s “now denied” solar project with China there is still a pic of him at a ground breaking a few years ago. The coverage was on Reid’s website but with the Bundy uprising he removed the evidence,
        Google Reid and Chinese Solar project Nevada.

        • arc99 June 22nd, 2014 at 7:00 pm

          the property has not been in the Bundy family for over 100 years. your entire post is a pack of lies.

          this is why I personally do not trust right wingers as far as a 5 year old can toss a shot put. you guys will either lie about anything or be stupid enough to believe any lie you are told.

          Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy’s parents bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.

          Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it. Court records show Bundy family cattle didn’t start grazing on that land until 1954

        • mea_mark June 22nd, 2014 at 8:14 pm

          Your posts need to be more factual or have some kind of supporting evidence from a reliable source or you are going to get the boot. Don’t waste our time with so much misinformation. The last thing I want to do is read a bunch of stuff that is not in the least bit factual.

          • Obewon June 23rd, 2014 at 12:00 am

            The entire post is Limbaughtomized. Over a year ago China cancelled the Laughlin Nevada solar project 100+ miles from Bundy’s 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile welfare ranch. Cattle would quickly die in Laughlin, as it is frequently the hottest place in the nation.

        • Roy Blankenship June 23rd, 2014 at 2:37 am

          Wow! What a bunch of whoppers! Do some fact-checking before you embarrass yourself again and waste a bunch of space.

  2. Obewon June 22nd, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    GOP’s new era of McCarthyism passed 55+ bills failing to impossibly repeal 2010’s $1.5 Trillion Deficit Reducing ACA! WTF were Boehner’s least productive 7% to 15% Approval & most unpopular congress in US history expecting?

  3. waybackwhen June 22nd, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    Reid took 240 bills given to him by the House and shoved them in his drawer which must be way overloaded by now! As far as I know Reid has not sent one bill from the House to Obama’s desk for review not alone signature!
    I have NO doubt that this is under Obama’s orders as like minds seem to prevail!

    • arc99 June 22nd, 2014 at 7:07 pm

      50 of them were to repeal the ACA, so what was in the rest, birth certificate inquiries?

      please cite the content of just one of the bills that had nothing to do with the ACA and nothing to do with birth certificates and then explain why the country would be better off if that bill had become law.

      I see this morning that you right wingers are faithfully, brainlessly parroting the 240-bill talking point. My suspicion is that beyond repeating what your masters tell you, you have no idea what you are talking about. Please provide a reference to just one of those bills with the bill # and explain why that bill would benefit the country.

    • Roy Blankenship June 23rd, 2014 at 2:37 am

      Oh, it’s you, waybackwhen. Never mind.

      • waybackwhen June 24th, 2014 at 11:22 pm


      • waybackwhen June 26th, 2014 at 9:57 pm

        Roy You are lib. Go back to the sheeple enclosure.

    • Bunya June 23rd, 2014 at 4:54 pm

      Harry Reid is not caving into all the repubs demands, regardless of how stupid or ludicrous they are. So by conservative logic, he’s being “unreasonable” and therefore responsible for all the dysfunction in Washington.

      • waybackwhen June 24th, 2014 at 11:18 pm

        Soon you libs will choke on the fact that the illegals and citizens in the USA and those of us who work and pay taxes are dying of overwork and old age!

        Presently we HAVE 65,000 plus youngsters coming from South American thinking they will instantly become US citizens!!!!!! They are bring disease along with them and Obama is sending them ALL OVER THE USA!! GUESS THAT MAKES HIM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DISASTER! This is NOT SOMETHING THAT HAS JUST HAPPENED. It has been proven that the OBama Administration had been taking BIDS FOR CARRIERS TO BRING THESE 65,000 YOUNGSTERS TO THE USA SINCE JANUARY 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        My heartbreak is that my kids and grandkids are going to be living in a 3rd World Country, which is what Obama wants for us!

        I have worked 50 years and the ambition and backbone and LOVING THIS COUNTRY AND KEEPING IT STRONG IS BEING ATTACKED!

        • Bunya June 25th, 2014 at 10:04 am

          Don’t you worry none. I’m sure that before long, we’ll have another republican president in office who will start another unnecessary war for profit and take your mind off the lowly illegals penetrating your country, breathing all the white man’s air.

          • waybackwhen June 26th, 2014 at 9:56 pm

            Guess what Bunya There were far less loses when Bush was in office during the Middle East deployments than since Obama stumbled into a job that he KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT! Check the stats!

            We didn’t have another attack in the USA after 911 UNTIL YOUR EMPEROR “OBAMADON’TCARE” TOOK OFFICE!

            Obama was warned that the the Russian boys were dangerous terrorist by the Russian government prior to their attack in Boston and then we have Hasan Nadal at Fort Hood whom the Feds KNEW were was in constant contact with a high level terrorist in the MIddle East under the guise of “DOING RESEARCH”!

            Obama ignore warnings in enough time to stop these actions but CHOSE NOT TO!

          • Bunya June 27th, 2014 at 10:26 am

            Really?? We had another attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 that destroyed a city and killed 3000+ people?? Why wasn’t I informed of this??
            And if this happened, why didn’t Obama pick a country – any country – and bomb it? Boy, I tell ya. These pacifists have no business running a facist, war mongering country.
            Really wayback, I truly believe it would be in your best interest to pull your head out of your ass and do some research.

          • waybackwhen June 27th, 2014 at 12:32 pm

            A terrorist attack does not need to be hundreds of people!

            Obama turned both into charades by denying that they WERE terrorist attacks. Hasan is a military doctor of Muslim decent and Obama declared it WORKPLACE VIOLENCE!

            The Russians WARNED Obama that the young men were terrorists and dangerous but it was not taken seriously!

            Big or small, Terrorism is terrorism and should be dealt with accordingly!

            Thanks for your last suggestion but for 66 years I have been researching and don’t need your assistance!

          • Bunya June 27th, 2014 at 3:21 pm

            “The Russians WARNED Obama that the young men were terrorists and dangerous but it was not taken seriously!”

            Now, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah. It reminds me of the time Clinton told Bush that Bin Laden was planning an attack on American soil, and Dubya didn’t take him seriously.

            “Terrorism is terrorism and should be dealt with accordingly!”

            You mean like invading the wrong country?

            “…for 66 years I have been researching and don’t need your assistance!”
            Yes, but perhaps maybe you should look into researching something other than Archie comic books.

          • Shades June 27th, 2014 at 4:30 pm

            Actually, Archie comic books are pretty hip. I believe one issue featured a gay marriage. This guy most likely gets his info from The Mark Connors Show or the OAS forums.

          • arc99 June 27th, 2014 at 3:55 pm

            “The Russians WARNED Obama that the young men were terrorists and dangerous but it was not taken seriously!”

            and now ladies and gentlement, the truth which you will never hear from pathological Obama-haters


            In a statement later on Thursday, the F.B.I. said that the squad that carried out the assessment of Mr. Tsarnaev in 2011 included some Boston Police Department officers, and it suggested that they could easily have read the information collected about him in a database that every member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force has access to. But the statement also noted that the Boston task force conducted about 1,000 assessments in 2011, a workload that made it unlikely that each assessment could get close attention from every task force member. Also, Mr. Tsarnaev lived in Cambridge, not Boston.

  4. William June 22nd, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    Yeah it’s all Harry Reid’s fault.

  5. AnthonyLook June 22nd, 2014 at 7:18 pm

    Starting up as Majority Whip as any true Republican would— WITH LIES. Harry Reid has institute the Nuclear Option to make Washington more functional and remove the abuse of power by Republicans with the Obstructionism and Filibustering. It is clear that California must rid itself of McCarthy at the next election opportunity. California hereby promises to do what happened to ERIC CANTOR to his LYING replacement-Kevin McCarthy-VOTE HIM OUT OF POWER.

  6. JamesMMartin June 22nd, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    He attacks Reid for not bringing bills passed in the Gerrymandering Oligarch Party’s House to the floor of the Senate. Why would Reid bring to the floor of the Senate the fifty or so bills to repeal the ACA (“Obamacare”)? What this geek won’t tell you is that all of the legislation sent to the Senate was either anti-Obama or illusory, containing as it did “poison pills” designed to make Reid and/or Obama look bad because they would not play. Look bad at least until you examine the fine print.

    • waybackwhen June 24th, 2014 at 11:21 pm

      If Reid REALLY cared about the citizens of the USA and their health care he WOULD!

      Harry Reid has more money than a normal person could spend in 2 lifetimes!

  7. Roy Blankenship June 23rd, 2014 at 2:34 am

    “See the new boss? Same as the old boss” These guys and their one-note message is OLDER than I am. Get a new script, losers!

  8. waybackwhen June 24th, 2014 at 11:19 pm

    To all the liberals who THINK Obama gives a rat’$ @ss about you, read below!

    Soon you libs will choke on the fact that the illegals and citizens
    in the USA and those of us who work and pay taxes are dying of overwork
    and old age!

    Presently we HAVE 65,000 plus youngsters coming from
    South American thinking they will instantly become US citizens!!!!!!
    They are bring disease along with them and Obama is sending them ALL
    This is NOT SOMETHING THAT HAS JUST HAPPENED. It has been proven that
    the OBama Administration had been taking BIDS FOR CARRIERS TO BRING

    My heartbreak is that my kids and grandkids are going to be living in a 3rd World Country, which is what Obama wants for us!

    I have worked 50 years and the ambition and backbone and LOVING THIS COUNTRY AND KEEPING IT STRONG IS BEING ATTACKED!

    • Shades June 27th, 2014 at 4:25 pm

      Yeeeaaaah, and Romney will win by a landslide.

    • novenator June 27th, 2014 at 10:05 pm


      • waybackwhen June 27th, 2014 at 10:24 pm

        I stand behind my comment which is much more than Obama will do for you!

  9. Irv Spielberg July 10th, 2014 at 2:44 am

    [Speaking of Reid, here’s a web piece I ran into that Reid will never bring up!]

    Harry Reid’s DIRTY Little Secret

    by Aaronita Smith

    Sen. Harry Reid knows that his fellow Mormon leaders are aware of a
    hard-core pornographic drawing in the “Book of Abraham” which is
    Mormon-approved scripture.
    This Book is part of the “Pearl of
    Great Price” which, along with the “Book of Mormon” and the “Doctrine
    and Covenants,” make up the LDS church’s “triple combination” in one
    The porn is found in Fig. 7 of Facsimile 2 in the “Book
    of Abraham” which shows two beings facing each other, which were
    described by Joseph Smith as representing the “Holy Ghost” and “God
    sitting upon his throne,” the latter clearly showing an aroused male sex
    After Smith published this sketch in his newspaper in
    1842, which offended Mormon sensibilities, the phallic portion was
    whited out for more than a century until the “restored” LDS church
    decided in 1981 to restore what had long been censored!
    shocking was the discovery that the “Book of Abraham” has nothing to do
    with Abraham or his God but was actually based on ancient Egyptian
    funeral documents depicting occultic obscene practices – and the
    original sketches showed an erotic phallus on both beings including the
    one Smith blasphemously claimed was the Holy Ghost!
    Dirty Harry
    is a member of the blasphemous counterfeit of real Christianity known
    as hypocritical MOReMONeyISM which has a 184-year-old history of fooling
    the unwary with false reports about “buried treasure” and “golden
    plates” in New York along with Smith’s later land speculation and
    illegal banking in Ohio and finally money counterfeiting in Illinois and
    Utah! As long as the Mormon church refuses to excommunicate Harry
    Greed, this paper you’re now reading will circulate around the world!

    For more information see “Book of Abraham” (Wikipedia). Also see Jerald
    and Sandra Tanner’s “Mormonism – Shadow or Reality?” which reproduces
    the original Egyptian X-rated drawings and shows how Smith altered them
    and created one of his many frauds. (Smith would have been proud of
    Dirty Harry!) Highlights in the classic Tanner work can be seen by
    typing “Facts from Mormons (By a Utah Resident)” and “What LDS Leaders
    Say” on Yahoo.