Cruz: Impeach Holder
Texas Senator Ted Cruz says Attorney General Eric Holder should be impeached for “defying Congress and the rule of law.”
During a talk with Sean Hannity on the host’s radio show on Thursday, Mr. Cruz called Mr. Holder the “most partisan attorney general the country has ever had,” and said that he should be impeached for “defying Congress and the rule of law,” Breitbart reported.
For example: Mr. Holder has not indicted anybody in the eight months after the inspector general found that the IRS has indeed wrongfully targeted conservative and tea party groups, Mr. Cruz said.
That’s just not acceptable, Mr. Cruz added…
The Texas senator also slammed President Obama for a “pattern of lawlessness [that] is breathtaking,” he said.
“We have never seen a president [who so] consistently ignores the law and brazenly defies the law,” Mr. Cruz said, pointing to what he characterized as the president’s executive overrule of existing immigration, marriage, drug and welfare laws.
abbyjo2001 June 26th, 2014 at 5:39 pm
I guess they think they can impeach every democrat in office. I doubt they can do this.
Shades June 26th, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Everytime a republican politican says “impeach” a gay angel gets his wings.
labman57 June 26th, 2014 at 11:09 pm
In Teddy “Call me Joseph M” Cruz’s world, anyone who does not share his economic views is a Communist, and any elected official in Washington who disagrees with his public policy positions needs to be impeached.
granpa.usthai June 26th, 2014 at 11:10 pm
the Texas Senator from Canada whose parents aided Fidel Castro in obtaining power in Cuba has consistently been in violation of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism by his frivolous attempts. He should be apprehended as a suspect. Sent to a US Detention Center on a remote Island, undergo extensive enhanced questioning procedures many, many times to ensure the revealing of co-conspirators. After some 10 years time if he is no longer considered a threat to US National Security, he could be tied about the ankles, cast overboard and dragged around the tip of Southern Africa into the mid Atlantic up to the Canadian coast and cut loose on the incoming tide.
Bunya June 27th, 2014 at 12:26 pm
Teddy’s just trying to show what a badass he is. He’s sackless and hopes nobody notices.