A word to any aspiring police officers: What you do and say off-duty matters. That goes for Tweets, Facebook posts, recorded conversations, media appearances and yes, even text messages. Or, so says Ohio’s Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Phil Plummer of the MCSD released a statement on Tuesday that he’d just indefinitely suspended (well, put on…
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
tiredoftea December 5th, 2014 at 7:05 pm
How do people like this even get to be cops? Is there no vetting of their social media postings?
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 7:14 pm
with every new application, there should be serious investigations as to who wants to become a cop. check their tweets, facebook post and any other social media. weed them out from the jump start. surely the stupid psych evals aren’t proven to be any useful.
Suzanne McFly December 5th, 2014 at 7:47 pm
And these checks would be free, background checks cost $100’s but checking social media is simply done by turning on a computer and punching a few keys.
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 8:20 pm
it’s that simple. PERIOD.
searambler December 6th, 2014 at 8:24 am
I think in many cases, these types of social media interactions start after they’re on the force. Among like-minded coworkers. Especially if we’re talking about guys who have been around for a few years, i.e. since before texting and tweeting was a thing.
What gets me is, these idiots don’t understand that this stuff, once out there, is never really ‘deleted.’ That’s just technological ignorance, or willful stupidity…
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 7:10 pm
“It is possible that somebody could lose their job because of the messages, but I think a lot of it depends on the position that they hold.” i don’t give a rats a&& what “high and mighty” position they may hold or don’t hold, it should not matter. they should be immediately fired. fk suspension. and these are the great “cops” that Pistol would love to remain on the force at the risk of more innocent black men being hunted down and murdered. these are undoubtly the same mindset that the other “officers” held and still hold regarding the murders we’re sick of reading about.
mea_mark December 5th, 2014 at 7:20 pm
An anonymous tip? Could it have been from Anonymous? Time to expose the racist bastards and get them out of law enforcement. Whoever tipped them off, thank you!
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 7:36 pm
it wouldn’t surprise me if it was someone they thought held the same twisted beliefs and shared their ignorance with them. good for the person, you’re right, that exposed him. we need more of them.
Suzanne McFly December 5th, 2014 at 7:46 pm
Who texts stuff like that to others? It’s as if they are assuming a lot of people think like them. Obviously not the sharpest tools in the shed. I am glad to see departments are holding these slobs accountable and I hope this type of reaction becomes and remains the standard and new policies will be created. At least something good will be coming from the recent tragedies.
Pistol-Packing AKA "Susie" December 5th, 2014 at 9:08 pm
I am going to reply to this in a different manner. Especially, because I was called out by @whatthe46:disqus and is thread featured comment.
1st) I am going to address this topic. Truth be told, it disgusts me. It makes me want to puke. I was raised by a woman who was a labor and delivery nurse. I say it that way, because my mother always referred to her as a Nurse first. A woman who worked for 36 years bringing babies into this world before her passing. Some successfully, some not so successfully. What I mean by that, is not every child is born alive, not every child is healthy. With that, I was exposed to so many families of every race, color, religious belief under the sun. My mother chose to go above the call of just a hospital worker, and chose to become involved with these families lives. And we would go all over the county together visiting families. Different families in need would come to us.
Now why is this important at all. Well I tell you this, because we all know that we are not born to hate. It is a taught behavior, just like racism. i was raised to let people be who they are. If they are a good person in their heart, then it will shine through. Personally, I dont care what color you are. In person, I will give you every chance under the sun, to show me who you are. If you are a good person to me, I will be a good person to you. Yeah, I know. What a crazy concept that is.
Now if I was to tell you that my wife is latin, and my best friend of 20 years is black.And my wife and I rent a room, to a man who happens to be black also. And we love him dearly as a new friend in our lives. I am sure some of you will say that I am just using that as a way to say,”Ahhhhh Bullshit. typical well I have XYZ excuse”. Sorry, but there is nothing I will ever say to prove that to you. So if you choose not to believe, that is your choice. And we talk about many of these issues together.
2nd) I dont see things as many as you do. And that is alright, that is what makes the world go around sometimes. . If you think some of the things I say are outrageous, you ought to read some of yours. Yes, I know I have my raving fans, and I love you all !!!
But on a serious note. If I really wanted to be a part of a fan club, I would go hang out on some conservative site and cheerlead. But you never learn anything like that way. I admit, I enjoy the adversity in a situation like this. Even though @Anomaly_100 will always tell you I am wrong (I beg to differ, but my wife agrees with you), Many a times, I disagree with you, because I am looking at things from a different set of eyes. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worst. And believe it or not, I do take many of these threads to be learning opportunities, to understand how other people feel.
3rd) OK OK OK, I admit it. Sometimes I will post something extremely outrageous shit to raise the hackles on your spines. But then again, you should read what you write sometimes. But I will say this also, there are several of you, who I have had dialogue with. Some not so nice, but then some of you, I have really grown to look forward to my banter with. And I would like to think, it has been respectful of each other. Even though we may not agree. And then of course, there are some of you, who want to think I am a racist self centered white supremacist pig. Welll, I guess everybody has their opinion. But then again, some of you I have grown fond of also. Granted, if I can only get @tracy Marie to finally stop calling me Mike T, and recognize that I am officially “Suzie” on here. that might be a step in the right direction.
Alright, sorry for the rant, Just felt like I needed to write this. Some of you will choose to take this as a sincere post, and others wont. that is for you to decide, not me.
And now back to our regular station programming and “Flame on”
neworleans878 December 5th, 2014 at 10:22 pm
Used to go to conservative sites and have had several stimulating respectful conversations with people with opposing views, despite being insulted by others on the thread.
Problem is that when I came back later, I find my comments deleted and myself banned, with no explanation upon inquiring.
Pissed me off because I rather enjoyed lively discussions before being banned…and I swear I was respectful each time.
ps…but weren’t you Pistol Pete before a slight change in your handle?
Pistol-Packing AKA "Susie" December 6th, 2014 at 7:31 am
No, I can honestly say that it wasn’t. as far as a handle goes.
But that had to be irritating as far as the other sites goes. It happens a lot on liberal sites as well, where conservatives are blocked and deleted. I can tell you I have experienced that as well.
neworleans878 December 6th, 2014 at 10:36 am
My apologies. Ran across a Pistol-Packing Pete somewhere who had an avatar like yours.
It sucks when any site blocks honest respectful dialogue.
Pistol-Packing AKA "Susie" December 6th, 2014 at 11:16 am
No worries…
Pistol-Packing AKA "Susie" December 5th, 2014 at 9:10 pm
OK, I wrote what I said before, but now Flame is back on. It is disgusting what these guys wrote. And I think you have a hard time being objective. Where I have issue is, how is it that their personal texts were taken from their personal phones. Under what authority or law was their personal records obtained???
tiredoftea December 5th, 2014 at 9:16 pm
While the article doesn’t explicitly call this out, the subpoena was obtained from a tip about their public social media comments. That’s a fair thing to investigate. Police have a special place in society. They have special privileges and great responsibilities and I don’t want people with outlooks like these men have displayed to be in those positions. They aren’t fit for it, they don’t deserve that trust.
Pistol-Packing AKA "Susie" December 5th, 2014 at 9:21 pm
I dont disagree with you on having these men hold any kind of power. I just look at it from a constitutional end. What reason were their personal messages supeononed (how ever you spell that) if it was not said in any official capacity.
I get the great responsibility bit by the way.
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 9:47 pm
what’s unconstitutional is the cops playing judge, jury and executioner, by denying an unarmed citizen the right to life, liberty and justice. that’s unconstitutional! having your phone records subpoenaed which may reveil you’re a bonafied a&&wipe and racist may be a little inconvenient, you may even lose your job, but at least you’re still breathing to fight whatever charges that may be levied against you. hell, a man can’t even walk down the stairs of his own apartment building without being shot to death by a fk’n cop. unconstitutional?
neworleans878 December 5th, 2014 at 10:27 pm
I would suspect that there’s some sort moral turpitude clause in their contracts that allowed the pursuit of a warrant and the subsequent firing.
tiredoftea December 5th, 2014 at 10:40 pm
Read my post, again.
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 9:31 pm
there was an investigation based on a tip. in investigations there usually are calls for subponeas to get phone records or even c.c. records. its not unheard of. and in this case it was an absolute must. they are held to a higher standard and no one with this kind of attitude should ever be allowed on the force. he’s not the type of officer that should be trusted to deal with the public with his mindset. its attitudes like his that are the cause for the deaths of so many already, just this year alone. it wouldn’t surprise me if he was affliated with the KKK.
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 11:00 pm
oh. and the text were disgusting… but…
searambler December 6th, 2014 at 8:17 am
“The three-month investigation started as an anonymous tip in August. From there, Plummer subpeona’d the phone records (from 2011 to 2013).”
” The MCSD’s ethics code states officers must keep their “…private life unsoiled as an example to all,” and that they “will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendship to influence [their] decisions.”
It’s all right there in the story. Do you think that “personal records” are off limits in a police ethics investigation?
whatthe46 December 5th, 2014 at 10:57 pm
MEANWHILE: i just read this: “…Panteleo had been the defendant in a trio of lawsuits for having violated the civil rights of other black men he and his colleagues had detained.” ” After an incident on Staten Island in March 2012 in which Panteleo and several other officers forcibly undressed Darren Collins and Tommy Rice from the waist down and manhandled their testicles in public view while searching the pair for illicit drugs, the two suspects were let off the hook but Panteleo and his colleagues on the scene were slapped with a federal lawsuit the following year. Though all the officers implicated denied the charges, the plaintiffs were awarded $30,000 in a settlement.”
Earlier, in February 2012, Rylan Walker filed a federal lawsuit against Panteleo for false arrest on charges of marijuana possession. Another black man, Kenneth Collins of Staten Island sued Pantaleo for violating his rights during a February 2012 marijuana bust.
here’s to another racist cop, the police department knew about and did nothing.
Budda December 6th, 2014 at 8:23 am
As I’ve said before , these folks are so immersed in their own little bubble they think it is normal…and are shocked when confronted.
I had the privilege of shocking one such individual recently. The look on his face was priceless!