‘Family Values’ Here Didn’t Include Gun Safety
[su_right_ad]Just another story of a family member being shot when one of them got hot under the collar and happened to have a gun, as Anomaly reports.
“The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office has issued charges against a 15-year-old boy in connection with the Monday evening shooting in Minnetonka,” a release says. “Because the juvenile is younger than 16, the proceedings are not public and no further information can be released.”
Cory LaVasseur, a father of five, was left in critical condition at HCMC on Tuesday.
Mr. LaVasseur is listed in “serious” condition.
According to Police, there was some sort of argument between the father and his son leading up to the shooting, but the exact motivation is not clear.
When officers first arrived at the residence on Monday, they found the 15-year-old outside in the driveway unarmed.
But inside the home, police found a shotgun believed to have been used in the shooting.
tracey marie March 6th, 2015 at 2:46 pm
no surprise, when will families learn
Larry Schmitt March 6th, 2015 at 5:11 pm
Never. The right to have more guns than anyone could possibly use is absolute. Whereas the right to vote is qualified, and requires an ID.
tracey marie March 6th, 2015 at 5:15 pm
180 years ago Texas banned open carry and even concealed carry of guns outside the home, the teabaggs in charge are trying to repeal that law.
gun carry on campus
stand your ground replaces protect your case
guns are for protection
the nonsense must stop
Larry Schmitt March 6th, 2015 at 5:18 pm
The biggest lie is the protection bit. If your home is invaded in the middle of the night, who can remember where your gun is when roused from a sound sleep? You’re more likely to shoot yourself or a family member, or to have it taken by the intruder and used against you.
tracey marie March 6th, 2015 at 5:21 pm
absolutely, and the stand your ground law says you no longer have to lock a door, call the police or just leave a dangerous area, you have the right to run down and kill people and all you have to say is…I was afraid
Larry Schmitt March 6th, 2015 at 5:26 pm
Your chances are improved if you say “I was afraid of the black man.”
tracey marie March 6th, 2015 at 5:27 pm
True, poor Trayvon, he paid the price because of someones psychotic racism
oldfart March 6th, 2015 at 5:07 pm
making the case for mandating gun safes and trigger locks seem almost logical huh.