July 8, 2015 11:00 pm -


Janet Porter says her prayers got Bush elected, so they can overturn the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. She must have forgotten to pray during the last two presidential elections.

…Porter, the right-wing conspiracy theorist and creator of the anti-gay film “Light Wins,” reveals today that her prayers reversed the results of the 2000 presidential election to ensure that President Bush was the victor in Florida.

Since her prayers got Bush elected president, Porter explains, her prayers can also reverse the recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality.

Porter is urging Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to demand that the Supreme Court rehear the marriage case, but this time without the presence of Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Porter believes should have recused themselves because they had officiated at the weddings of same-sex couples.

“[I]f God can change the outcome of a presidential election,” Porter explains, “he can change the outcome of a Supreme Court ruling.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.