September 10, 2015 3:30 pm -


Wisconsin Congressman James Sensenbrenner gave a dumbfounded response when confronted with the facts about who Planned Parenthood helps.

…Sensenbrenner (R-WI) questioned witness Priscilla Smith, who directs Yale Law School’s Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice, during a hearing on defunding Planned Parenthood in the wake of deceptively edited videos that appear to show officials discuss the sale of fetal tissue.

“Could you please tell us why Planned Parenthood needs to get over half a billion dollars of federal funding every year when there are other pressing needs, such as feeding hungry children, that maybe we should put that money into?” Sensenbrenner said.

“I’d like to know what your priority is,” he repeated, “Planned Parenthood or feeding hungry children?”


Smith pointed out that some of Planned Parenthood’s services, such as affordable contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections and cancer screenings, might help the mothers of those poor children.

For Sensenbrenner, that did not compute.

“How can they be the mothers of the children when children are aborted through Planned Parenthood?” Sensenbrenner said.

Smith reminded the congressman that about 60 percent of women who seek an abortion have at least one child, and she told him that access to contraception reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies — and thus, abortions.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.