September 14, 2015 9:00 pm -

houston_bar_KHOU-800x430It’s Friday evening and you decide to go out for some cocktails with friends, kick back, take it easy, and share some good times. Things are going great until you get to the door of the bar and you’re told the cover charge is $20 for each person. Oh, and you also happen to be black.

Brandon Ball, an attorney in Houston, posted on his Facebook page that he and two of his friends attempted to go into the Gaslamp bar last Friday night and were told of the cover charge. However, they saw white patrons being let into the Gaslamp without paying a dime. Ball wrote this recollection of the event:

Ken, Dan, and I went back and watched from across the street as the guys who were working the front door of The Gaslamp allowed white people to come in one after the other. Every black person who we watched try to go in was told there was a $20 cover or that their attire was not proper. One black guy was told that he could not get in because he had on Polo Boots. Dan spoke to several people who were told there was a $20 cover and they pretty much all said the same thing. It was not just blacks they were charging. It was people of both Asian and Latin descent….READ MORE at LiberalAmerica


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.