November 29, 2015 4:00 am -


Robert L. Dear is seen in an undated picture released by the Colorado Springs (Colorado) Police Department November 28, 2015. REUTERS/Colorado Springs Police Department/Handout via Reuters

A deeply disturbing picture of Robert Lewis Dear, the man who killed three people including a police officer and wounded nine others during an attack on Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, is beginning to emerge.

One of Dear’s former North Carolina neighbors found the man scary:

James Howie, who lives up the mountain from Dear’s Long Branch Road trailer, said Dear, 57, asked him to do foundation work at the property off N.C. 9. Howie drove there with Dear.

“Out of the blue when I first met him, that was what he wanted me to do, go with him and check it out,” Howie said.

Howie said he was so troubled by the interaction, he turned down the work.

“I wouldn’t ride with that fellow from here to the mailbox now,” Howie said. “I was just glad to get home.”

Others in the community were also alarmed by his behavior:

Dear’s Black Mountain home is a small, yellow edifice that lacks both electricity and running water. On one exterior wall hangs a cross made of twigs. Another nearby property features a decrepit mobile home that appears to have been abandoned.

A neighbor of Dear’s Black Mountain property said she and her family “kept out of his way” when they would see their neighbor approaching along the area’s unkempt roads.

“He wouldn’t really speak to anybody, he wouldn’t wave,” Mallory Nicoletti, 29, told the Citizen-Times.

The shack where Robert Lewis Dear reportedly lived near Black Mountain, N.C. A cross made of twigs hangs on one wall. (Photo: Leah Buletti, Asheville (N.C.) Citizen-Times)

Another neighbor, who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal, told The Washington Post that Dear “was the kind of person you had to watch out for. He was a very weird individual. It’s hard to explain, but he had a weird look in his eye most of the time.”

Neighbors in the area said Dear rarely spoke about religion or abortion. The loner’s main company seemed to be a mangy dog that looked so bad neighbors called animal control. But Dear’s story gets more troubling when assessing his earlier, married years in South Carolina, where police records show a history of arrests for domestic violence, animal cruelty and being a peeping tom.

In recent years, Dear lived in the remote town of Hartsel, Colorado:

On this lonely, snow-covered patch of land in a hamlet ringed by the Rocky Mountains, his home was a white trailer, with a forest-green four-wheeler by the front door and a modest black cross painted on one end.

As police officers surrounded it on Saturday, looking for clues to what they said had sent its owner on a rampage at a Planned Parenthood center that left three dead and nine wounded, neighbors said they barely knew him, beyond one man’s memory of his handing out anti-Obama political pamphlets.

Van Wands, 58, whose wife owns a local saloon, said there were two types of people in the area: the old-timers who put in time getting to know their neighbors, and newcomers who wished to be left alone. Mr. Dear, he said, fell solidly into the second category.

“That’d be one that preferred to be left alone,” he said.

This evening, Reuters added this chilling detail:

The man accused of opening fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado and killing three people said “no more baby parts” while he was being arrested, NBC News and other media reported on Saturday, citing unnamed law enforcement sources.

The utterance would appear to be a reference to the controversy surrounding the organization’s health services, which include abortion, and its role in delivering fetal tissue to medical researchers.

It could hint at a possible motive for the rampage, though NBC reported that sources said investigators still did not know for certain what motivated the gunman.

Authorities have not discussed a motive for the attack at the Colorado Springs clinic, which left a police officer and two civilians dead and nine people wounded.

That’s right – a guy who very likely has serious mental issues is able to get his hands on an AK-47 knockoff and, and egged on by the propagandistic mantra “baby parts” (mission accomplished, David Daleiden), decides to get medieval on a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Because freedom!



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.