First Picture Of San Bernardino Female Shooter Released
This is the wife of Syed Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik.
Malik came from Saudi Arabia to the United States on a K1 visa, better known as a “fiancé visa,” and married Farook, ABC News reported. Authorities are still working to ascertain how, when and if Malik became radicalized. Both Malik and Farook were Muslim and Farook was born in the United States, although his parents were from Pakistan like Malik, the New York Times reported in a separate story.
Authorities are still unsure what role Malik could have played in pushing the couple into such a violent act. “I don’t know the answer, whether she influenced him or not. Being a husband myself, we’re all influenced to an extent. But I don’t know the answer,” said FBI Special Agent David Bowdich.