July 3, 2016 12:59 pm -

The chair of the Delta County Republican Party must have thought she was being clever. Now, though, she’s resigned after her racist Facebook meme.

Party officials were upset after a photo comparing President Barack Obama to a chimpanzee appeared on Linda Sorenson’s Facebook page, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel reported.

The photo depicted former President Ronald Reagan bottle feeding a chimpanzee and included the text, ‘I’ll be damned… Reagan used to babysit Obama.’


Sorenson stepped down after an accountability meeting was convened by the county’s Republican Central Committee investigating the allegations.

She announced her decision to resign in an email to supporters.

The committee was investigating allegations that Sorenson and others made that her Facebook page was ‘hacked,’ and whether she violated party rules by endorsing a primary candidate.

Sorenson said her Facebook page was hacked, but Colorado Party Chairman Steve House said that was not the case.

And in an interview in May after the image was posted, Sorenson said she did not care if people were offended by the image.

‘I really don’t care if people are offended by it,’ she told The Big Media Blog of the post. ‘Un-friend me. Stop looking at me on Facebook.’



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.