September 7, 2016 8:20 pm -

Eric Trump took the high road by claiming he “doesn’t comment on people’s health,” which didn’t stop him form commenting on a certain person’s health.

Eric Trump doesn’t want to be left out. He offered up his opinion on his father’s opponent for the presidency during a radio interview with Dom Giordano on 1210 WPHT Philadelphia on Wednesday, though he was careful to point out he doesn’t usually opine on others’ health, so it’s all ok. Per Buzzfeed:


I’m a civilian in this whole thing. I’m not a politician and I’m not really, you know, the person who opines on people’s health but, you know, I saw that video too and I was a little, I was a little scared by it. I mean, it was pretty interesting to say the least. And I can tell you if the same thing happened to my father, the whole world would’ve jumped on top of him. I mean, they absolutely would have jumped on top of him. Um, you know, so it’s interesting. Again, I’m not qualified to talk about it but it is, you know…



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.