October 25, 2016 1:12 pm -

And conservatives give him credibility.

ThinkProgress has learned that O’Keefe is not the only convicted criminal working at Project Veritas. The tax-exempt organizations are also home to Robert “Joe” Halderman, a former television producer best known for attempting to blackmail David Letterman.

Halderman served four months in jail at Rikers Island after pleading guilty to second degree felony charges of grand larceny. The charges stemmed from his attempts to blackmail Letterman about the then-Late Night host’s extramarital affairs.


“In September of 2009, I attempted to extort $2 million from David Letterman by threatening to disclose personal and private information about him, whether true or false,” Halderman confessed to a New York state court. After his jail sentence, he filed for bankruptcy and worked as a producer for On the Case with Paula Zahn.

ThinkProgress confirmed that Halderman works for Project Veritas by calling and asking for him. The receptionist said he was away from his desk, but provided his Project Veritas email address.

Neither O’Keefe nor Halderman immediately responded to ThinkProgress inquiries about Halderman’s specific role at the organization.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.