October 26, 2016 10:28 am -

Newt Gingrich, ever-defending Donald Trump, blew up at Megyn Kelly Tuesday night.

Gingrich felt the media has given an inordinate amount of coverage to the accusers while ignoring the information that has been revealed in the leaked Clinton campaign emails.

“If Trump is a sexual predator … ” Kelly began.


“He’s not a sexual predator!” Gingrich exclaimed. “You can’t say that. You could not defend that statement. Now, I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!”

“Excuse me, Mr. Speaker. You have no idea if it’s true or not,” Kelly replied cooly. Kelly said she had not taken a position one way or the other.

Gingrich said that Kelly took a position as soon as she used the words, “sexual predator.”

“I think that your defensiveness on this may speak volumes,” Kelly said. She explained that given the context of the allegations, the media had no choice but to cover them in detail.

Gingrich then said Kelly chose to cover the allegations rather than the Clinton emails because she is “fascinated by sex.”

“You want to go back through the tapes of your show recently?” Gingrich asked. “You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy.”

“Me? Really?” Kelly asks.

“That’s what I get out of watching you tonight,” he said.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.