January 12, 2017 5:17 pm -

L.L. Bean is being embraced by Trump after a group opposed to him called for a boycott.

It turns out that Linda Bean, the company’s heiress, had started a political action committee to support Trump, which became major news when her PAC started being investigated by the Federal Elections Commission for exceeding individual contribution limits.

Bean herself reportedly contributed $60,000, so Grab Your Wallet launched a boycotting call and said they’d drop the whole thing if L.L. Bean took her off of their board. That led board chairman Shawn Gorman to release a statement on Facebook to say that the board is “saddened” that the political affiliation of one person would lead to a boycott of a company that is not at all political.


“[W]e are deeply troubled by the portrayal of L.L. Bean as the supporter of any political agenda,” he wrote, effectively making it clear that the company itself isn’t a Trump booster in any way.

The request for Bean to be dropped from the board also led to the heiress herself appearing on Fox & Friends this morning to declare she wasn’t interested in what the “bullies” were up to…

The request for Bean to be dropped from the board also led to the heiress herself appearing on Fox & Friends this morning to declare she wasn’t interested in what the “bullies” were up to.

Not long after that, Trump tweeted about Bean, which he usually does after watching cable news segments.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.