February 6, 2017 4:00 pm -

He apologized. Too late.


A county Republican leader in the Upper Peninsula is under fire for seeming to suggest in his social media posts there should be a Kent State type of crackdown on violent protests like the one that erupted at a university in California last week.

But in an interview Sunday with the Free Press, Dan Adamini, the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, said he apologizes, supports peace and was merely trying to prevent further violence and hatred.

Really? You mean the same way the Ohio National Guard did?

Sorry, Dan. Not buying it. Neither is Kent State University. Theyresponded to a Michigan Republican Party representative who appears to be encouraging the shooting of protesters while making light of a painful moment in the university’s history.

In a tweet and similar Facebook post, Dan Adamini, the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, wrote Thursday: “Violent protesters who shut down free speech? Time for another Kent State perhaps. One bullet stops a lot of thuggery.”

His tweet comes after protests of a planned speech for BreitBart News senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent at the University of California Berkeley Wednesday.

“It’s not okay to use Kent State as a punch line,” said Eric Mansfield a university spokesperson.

“What happened 47 years ago affected real families. We lost four students, nine others were wounded countless others were changed forever,” said Mansfield.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.